reading now

Reading Now by Anne Kreamer


"The Snake in the Garden" - The New York Times. Pico Iyer's meditation on anxiety.  Here's an excerpt:  "Besides, many kinds of anxiety are natural, almost healthy, especially if they’re concerned with others; a parent who didn’t worry about her child might seem almost inhuman. Yet still it’s uncanny how often we let ourselves out of the Garden by worrying about something that, if it did happen, would quicken us into a response much more practical than worry. All the real challenges of my, or any, life — the forest fire that did indeed destroy my home and everything in it; the car crash that suddenly robbed dozens of us of a cherished friend; my 13-year-old daughter’s diagnosis of cancer in its third stage — came out of the blue; they’re just what I had never thought to worry about (even as I was anguishing over whether they’d serve spinach when my friend visited the retreat house). And every time some kind of calamity has come into my life, I and everyone around me have responded with activity, unexpected strength, even an all but unnatural calm."

"Neuroscience Under Attack" - The New York Times.   Alissa Quart on the fallacies of over-popularizing scientific research.  "A gaggle of energetic and amusing, mostly anonymous, neuroscience bloggers — including Neurocritic, Neuroskeptic, Neurobonkers and Mind Hacks — now regularly point out the lapses and folly contained in mainstream neuroscientific discourse."


Katherine Boo Behind The Beautiful Forevers

Behind The Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo. National Book Award winner, Boo's landmark work of narrative nonfiction tells the dramatic and sometimes heartbreaking story of families striving toward a better life in one of the twenty-first century’s great, unequal cities, Mumbai.

Reading Now by Anne Kreamer

This week I've been catching up on my science reading.

"The Beginnings of Bionic" - Science News. Details how researchers are tailoring electronics design to fit the human form.

"World Changing Ideas 2012" - Scientific American. Practical breakthroughs that have been prototyped from artificial DNA, to oil that cleans water, to pacemakers powered by our own blood.



How To Create A Mind, by Ray Kurzweil. Kurzweil draws on the most recent neuroscience research, his own research and inventions in artificial intelligence, and compelling thought experiments, and describes his new theory of how the neocortex (the thinking part of the brain) works: as a self-organizing hierarchical system of pattern recognizers. Kurzweil shows how these insights will enable us to greatly extend the powers of our own mind and provides a roadmap for the creation of superintelligence—humankind's most exciting next venture. He suggests we are now at the dawn of an era of radical possibilities in which merging with our technology will enable us to effectively address the world’s grand challenges.

Reading Now by Anne Kreamer


"For Innovation, Knowledge Is A Poor Substitute For Experimentation" - Forbes. Rawn Shah explores why there are more results tied to luck than planned research.

"A Wild Love Of The World" - On Being. Buddhist scholar, Joanna Macy, on the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke.

"Not Exactly Rocket Science" - Discovery Magazine. For 150 years no one had ever seen a spade-toothed whale.  Then two washed up on a beach.



The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body, by Frances Ashcroft. Aschroft explains the wonders of bioelectricity.

The Address Book, by Sophie Calle. After finding an address book, Calle tries to understand a stranger by contacting his acquaintances.

Reading Now by Anne Kreamer

ARTICLES 09.02.12 No Easy Day for Secrecy -Foreign Policy magazine

A Vast Frank Lloyd Wright Archive Is Moving to New York -The New York Times

The Robot Greeters, Cardless ATMs, And Touchscreen Transactions Are So Money At This Bank Of The Future -Fast Company

What the F***? -The New Republic

(Below are some comments on swearing I made in an interview.) [audio:]



BOOKS 09.02.12

090412 books



BOOKS 08.21.12



BOOKS 08.16.12


Have you read any of these? What are you reading? Speak your mind.